Tuesday, February 1, 2011

If Edward Cullen could read my mind...

...he would probably contact the authorities and have me swiftly escorted to my own personal, padded cell. Lately, it seems, I have more unstable days than stable and I always feel like I'm choking on exhaust fumes as I chase the bus I missed down the street.  If you'd like, I could rattle off a dozen more cheesy metaphors that aptly describe my life (as I see it) these days. 

Anyway, this feels like the right place to pause for a quick intro.  I'm 31, married to the guy of my dreams and mother to the 3 best kids anyone could ask for.  I don't know who actually reads these things, so if you know me, you can fast-forward past the stuff you already know.  John and I met in 2003, fell in love, broke it off with our significant others (in that order), got married, bought a house, had a kid (Cash), then had 2 more kids (Leo and Max).  We have the kind of marriage people should hate us for.  We almost never fight...let me rephrase that, we hardly ever even disagree.  John is my best friend.  We find humor in most of the details of life and often lay in bed talking, convinced that most couples aren't as awesome as us.  To be frank, we think we are the shit. I'm dead serious.  Anyway, we have these 3 freaking adorable kids- Cash is 2 1/2 and Max and Leo are 7 months old.  I don't know what we did right in our lives, but we lucked out with the offspring.  Of course they each have their isms (well, except Leo, who is as close to perfect as they come), but all in all, we have it made. 

Anyway, this whole blog thing was inspired by my friend, Holly, who doesn't even know she inspired me yet.  I read her blog and decided to give it a try.  I'm not going to make a frilly, fancy page anytime soon, because I want to find out if this whole blog thing is going to "take" before I invest that kind of time.  Also, because every time John and I make a major purchase toward a hobby, whatever it is, we never do it again. Anyway, I'm rambling...

I think I'll keep it relatively light in this, my very first blog.  I was saying earlier how my life is unstable these days, but I'd like to think that no matter who you are, that you're life would be unstable too if you had 3 kids under 3 and were naturally scatter-brained, unorganized, overly emotionally-dependent, and completely inefficient at most things.  In the process of becoming a wife and mom, I have totally lost myself.  Not in a completely Debby-downer way, but truthfully, I a'int who I used to be and I ain't who I thought I'd be.  I'm sure I'll bore you with the details along the way, but my hope (in all its grandeur) is that writing a blog will help me reclaim some of that girl I used to be.  I already have the itch to start blabbing about everything I'm passionate about, things that piss me off, and complete random nonsense, too.  Anyway, wish me luck. 


  1. I support you and I can not wait to read all your babblings... usually its more comfortable for the blogger when strangers accept you first... so, I hope I don't scare you off of your honesty :)

  2. I love my fabulous sister-in law! You are such a wonderful person and I am sure everyone who knows you already knows it, but I just had to say it. Can't wait to see what's in store for Peterson, Party of 5! :)

  3. Love that u are writing in all your instability and can't wait to hear more !

  4. Bikki! I love that you are blogging to "reclaim some of that girl" you used to be. I LOVE that girl! She is super cool, groovey, audacious, hilarious, beautiful inside and out, and super smart....not just smart ass.....but then, as far as I can see, this still describes you perfectly. Love you and your crew!

  5. Love the intro, definitely got me hooked. Can't wait to read more :)

  6. Thanks, guys:) Y'all are the best! I can't figure out how to follow y'all... but somehow I figured out how to follow myself (nice).
